In coordination with components like a database, reading device and RFID transponder, tests can be run without expensive hardware. Additionally, the IDXpert Portal offers you the option to store product and testing data you have already collected at no cost.
When it comes to transponders, we have teamed up with manufacturers to develop designs that have already become established in the industry. This required a lot of trials, such as a saltwater spray test or a mechanical load test. Writing test and product data to transponders allows the product test to be documented at any time, without calling up a database. This huge advantage is part of the system’s philosophy. This huge advantage is part of the system’s philosophy.
However, products can also be processed with non-writable RFID transponders (per SpanSet specification1) and without IDXpert® transponders. Flexibility that makes system introduction easy and eliminates investment hurdles.. Read more
RFID transponders can be put in all products that are to be managed with IDXpert. RFID
stands for “radio frequency identification” and allows readouts with suitable read/ write devices in the IDXchanger series. Initialization records the specific product and testing data to the transponder on the product. The transponder’s distinctive UID 6 (unique identifier) is also printed on the new generation of chips (except for IDXpin) and makes the product uniquely identifiable.Special designs and constructions on request.
Transponder overview
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The various read/write devices in the IDXchanger series meet the user’s individual needs and requirements. They can be small and handy, dust- and spray-protected, with camera and barcode scanner, with telephone and Internet access, for reading transponders in a metallic environment. Define your needs and take your pick. We’ll be glad to help you choose.
Mit dem IDXchanger USB z.B. gibt es ab sofort ein Schreib-/Lesegerät, das per USB-Kabel direkt mit dem Laptop oder Tablet verbunden wird und sämtliche Transponder aus dem SpanSet Programm auslesen und beschreiben kann. Neben den neuen Hardwarealternativen, können aber auch ältere Geräte, wie das IDXchangerMDE Schreib-/Lesegerät genutzt werden, welches zur Erleichterung der Dateneingabe über einen Barcodescanner verfügt.
Read/write devices overview
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IDXchangerMSLB Motorola ES 400
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*Spezifikation and construction type: Frequenz (13,56 MHz), ISO 15693
The IDXpert database is for central management of captured product data. At any time, you can print or maintain meaningful reports and inventory lists.
The IDXpert software allows many sorting options, even by product value. This makes it easier to create an overview of capital equipment to be activated or the procurement year of depreciable assets. The software is completely network ready and can be used at an individual station or at several workstations in a network. An automatic update service is included for the duration of the warranty period — free for the first year after purchasing the license!
Selected functions and a look at what’s new
- Easy import of prior testing data, such as from Excel sheets
- Custom and product-specific certificate design
- Enterprise ready
- Synchronisation mehr Flexibilität durch Datenreplikation Alle Prüfer greifen auf den gleichen Datenpool zu, somit sind die Daten immer aktuell.
- Mehr Sicherneil durch Berechtigungsprüfung und Warnung bei Konflikten
- Differenziertes Rollenmanagement (Verwalten von Zugangs rechten. Bearbeitungsrechten etc. durch Administrator)
- intelligent filter and search function
- more users can be set up
- Einfache Anlage einzelner Produkt- und Unternehmensbereiche sowie einzelner Kunden
- auto update